Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Date #8 'Could This Be It?'

So I saw "Mr Nice Guy" for coffee around lunchtime during my busy workday.  After work I headed over to my mum's (lives nearby) to get ready for my next date.  Coffee again :)  This, for me was the one I had been really looking forward to.  He was the reason I had renewed my membership on 'Find Someone' so I could talk to him!  It had taken weeks of messages and texting before he finally asked me out on a date (and I'd thought the ship had sailed).

 I was nervous!  I couldn't see him at the cafe so I walked around West City and told him to text me when he got there - couldn't bring myself to sit and wait.  Oh those nerves when you are walking over to someone knowing they are watching every step you make!  But of course, pretended not to be nervous at all.  He insisted on buying me a drink and we started chatting very easily.  Lots in common, lots of banter (which I love).  And some real intelligent conversations.  He shared my faith, shared some of my unusual viewpoints within my faith.  He was a parent, made me laugh, was an interesting guy, we could really talk about stuff.  And there was spark!  He had a good solid job (or three) and  seemed like he had taken responsibility for his share of the break up with his ex-wife.  I was reluctant to leave, but my mobile was glaring at me that I was going to be late for my next date so I had to go and he looked a little disappointed.

What an exciting feeling taking the escalators up towards my car while he told me cheekily that I could count on him asking me out on a 2nd date!  Sure enough, texts that followed the next day confirmed his official invitation to go to dinner and a movie the following weekend...

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