Monday, 12 December 2011

Date #13 'The Taxi Driver'

This is the date where I learned to pay attention to a person's occupation as a reflection of where they may be at.

I honestly looked good for this date.  For once, my hair was going right, I had on a really pretty, feminine top and there's nothing like feeling good/looking good that gives you a bit of confidence.

The second I saw Date #13 I knew it was all a waste of time.  You can tell a lot from the way a person holds himself or his facial expressions.  Sure enough, when he opened his mouth I knew that either this guy had an Intellectual Disability or an extremely low IQ.  I am not being mean saying that - I work around people with Intellectual Disabilities and love being around them but it's just a fact.  I guess the mean part was that I wanted to turn on my heel and run immediately and instead I had to get through a cup of coffee.  Still, it was the shortest date I have ever had.  I tried to make polite conversation while sipping my coffee while thinking of an excuse or reason to go.  By the way - he wasn't a taxi driver.  He was an aspiring taxi driver and out of work :(

Poor guy texted me and asked me if I'd like to see him again.  And when I said no, I didn't think it would work he texted me back to say "That's ok you're not exactly what I'm looking for either but I really do hope you find a nice guy who will treat you as good as I could have treated you  as a nice girl like you deserves to be treated right.  Besides I have someone else in mind."  So a bit of a mixed reply there :)  And then next text was "What put you off?"  My mum (who I went to see afterwards) and is honestly the most gentlest, most softly spoken little older lady said to me "I think you should just refuse to reply.  You can hardly say that you thought he was mentally retarded!"  which made me crack up laughing...  Political correctness wasn't around in her day..

I have decided to continue seeing Date #12 as friends in case a spark grows out of that (open to the idea that maybe I rule things out too early sometimes).

I'm also not seeing Mr. Peacock/Geese/Swans since his profile says he is a Truck Driver.  At least, I am assuming that Mr Peacock/Geese/Swans is a truck driver since his profile actually said "Track Driver" so guessing he spelled truck wrong :-/

Just need someone who has had a bit of education or at least can engage me in intelligent conversation.  I know some of you will think that presumptuous of me but I can't tell you how disappointing it is turning up for a date with all your hopes up and finding out instantly that there's not a chance in hell that it will work but having to sit through it anyway.  I need the combination of an attractive, intelligent man (that treats me well) that I have spark with.  And I'm prepared to hold out for it :)

Another thing that's really disappointing (for those of you that have never tried internet dating before and wondering how it all goes) is how many attractive, intelligent men send you messages saying something like "nice cleavage!" or turn the conversation around to sex all the time.  But I'm not giving up yet...

Will I find someone I'd like to go on a date with before Christmas??  Time will tell - watch this space!!


  1. Don't discount the truck driver, they can be very intelligent individuals. My partners is a diesel mechanic by trade but been driving trucks for the past 8 years, personally I think he should've gone to uni and become a lawyer but sometimes life doesn't allow for what others think you'd be good at. Take a chance, you might find he's actually great conversation, fun to be around and full of interesting stories.

  2. Hi Charli thanks for the comment. Unfortunately when I met him that was not the case :( but I see your point...

  3. Hi, Im a single mother of three children. My friends also suggest online dating and Speed dating, so reading through your blog has been really interesting. Ive enjoyed a few laughs relating to men that I have also met. I have the same question, where do you meet them? I have been with two others since my split in 2006, and I know they didn't end up as anything long term because there was still things I needed to find out about myself. I truely hope you will find Love again. Its great that you know what you want, I'm the same now, so its not that your picky, there is nothing wrong with not wanting to settle for less. Hope it all goes well for both of us... PS- Im kin of put off the online dating now tho hahahaha:)
