Saturday, 11 February 2012

The Return of Date #16 "Digger or Nutbar?"

Some of you might be horrified to know that Date #16 has returned into my life.  You know the one that we all decided was insane?  We came in contact recently and he explained to me that he got angry with the guy tailgating us as he thought he was speeding and going to crash into us and wanted him to pass us so that we'd be safe.  I of course had a different perspective but he assured me that he didn't generally get angry like that.  He said I had pushed his buttons but he had reacted badly (more or less).  He told me it would not happen again.  This is the short version of a long discussion about the ins and outs of what happened and the dynamics between us.  He wanted to start over.

What would you do?  One blog reader suggested a name for this particular date as "Digger" because he "dug me" :)  So is he a Digger or a Nutbar?

So if so far you are leaning towards Nutbar (for both of us) then you will be more horrified to learn that the Fifth Date did in fact occur.  At my house.  I had reasoned that the entire event happened two weeks before and he had not stalked me, had posted my phone back to me as he said he would, knew my address and phone numbers but never called me or came around.  And because I have to hire a babysitter to go out in the evening and my son is currently not sleeping (taking 2-3hrs to settle at the moment), it was the only way I could see him if that's what I wanted to do.

By the time he arrived we had cleared the air between us - not saying I'd forgotten about it or that I wasn't wary or unsure, but there was no bad blood between us and believe it or not we had an amazing evening.  We drank wine and "Tequila Sunrise" cocktails (yuck) while watching the DVD "The Help".  So I found myself cuddled up on the couch to him as I put my son back to bed (climbing out of his bed) over and over again.  He held my hand and asked me if I was ok (because it was exhausting) and told me not to apologize.  Finally my son went to sleep.  Towards the end of the movie (if you have watched "The Help") it gets a bit emotional - and not for the first time, found the Digger-Nutbar(?) crying at some very poignant moment.  I have never seen a man cry in a movie before I don't think - and I have to say I cried too when the little girl cries (it's a mother's heart thing).  Not to mention throughout the movie he was stroking my hair and my face and telling me how much he had missed me and how beautiful I was and how much he adored me and that I was his "dream girl".  It's been a long time since I've been treated like that I can assure you...

Anyway, the sour moment eventually came when he asked me whether I had been on any dates and whether I was seeing anyone else and I said that I had a date planned and I couldn't cancel it.  The result was that he got upset and ended up leaving.  I tried to explain that it was too soon for me to decide anything about him and I guess in his mind he wanted to pick up where we'd left off.

As it was, I had to cancel my other date due to my son's sleeping (and not being able to get a babysitter because he wouldn't cope with it at the moment) and suggested we reschedule however I haven't heard back from him and wonder if he's got a bit sick of me.  I have a feeling I've rescheduled with him before, I can't remember.

I have to say that when it comes to Nutbar-Digger I kind of dig him too.  I love the conversations we have, I love how into me he is and I like spending time with him.  Physically I'm attracted to him except that he's overweight.  He's at the gym and exercising but do people really change that much?  If he lost a bit of weight I think I'd find him really sexy.  But if he didn't?  Physical attraction is important, I don't care what people say.  And the biggest problem I have is that apart from his big tummy he has moobs.  Yes, moobs.  I have never dated anyone with moobs before.

So what are your thoughts?  Is he a Nutbar or a Digger?  Is it worth considering despite the Moobs?


  1. I am quite surprised that you even considered a date with this guy again! And then having him get upset and leaving over you still dating other people when you're not exclusive is a lil obsessive. If I was in your position I definitely wouldn't see him again. Maybe you need to consider his mood swings and not his Moobs. Do you really want someone like that around your son?

  2. This guy is clearly mentally unstable, do not expose yourself or your son to this maniac. He seems to have some deep set issues & I imagine he has been cheated on before. Overweight & moobs are the least of yourr or his worries.

  3. Lose him! FAST!

  4. I agree with the others too, not a good idea to go back there with him again. I would say he's slightly unhinged and you don't know what he's capable of when he really gets worked up and next time you might be at his house if he loses it big time. He does not sound safe.


  5. Mood more important than moobs for sure. Safety for you and your son should be your biggest concern. You deserve better.

  6. honey he is an absolute freak!!! oh dear i feel for you, because it is so blindingly obvious to the rest of us. he is deeply and frighteningly abusive... please please please let me read that you ran for the hills, if not for you then for your child

  7. oh and the poster that suggested he be called 'digger' just got mixed up and was referring to Mr el Cheapo as digger, cause he said he digs you... whereas this one is just MBAD: mad bad and dangerous
